january 2007

i just started this blog, everything is written in a nonsensical manner b/c right now im just posting photos and typing notes about what to write later. but thanks for looking, whoever is looking and do check me out couple months from now when im more together.

Thursday, January 4, 2007


Sha Curington
title here
XXin x XXin
oil on canvas
first painting that was mine. used elements from prior work, added "myself" to it. horse is from don eldon book the walkway of dryers driers from my brother. notice no breast on the woman on the left, no statement, just my shitty painting, i wasnt paying attention. didnt do the drawing of the woman on te right, i started bit but my homegirl kat fixed it up right me.


Sha Curington
title here
XXin x XXin
oil on canvas
this is from life drawing class the model's name was david this is one of my favorite drawings. other drawings ive done came out nice, life like when that was the goal, but used often a opaque projector or traced, this one i drew from life this one is all me.


alice painting asdf asdf afd af a afg ag asdf aga dafg fdag afg asg ag sdfg sdfg sdfg sdfg gsdfg sdfg sdfg sf

last portrait

Sha Curington
title here
XXin x XXin
oil on canvas
last portrait i did, night before, felt lame for just doing another self portrait, hit an art epiphany, to show something of myself without actually painting my face dont konw why it took so long. this was the one that made me feel like a real painter. the figures i pulled off of a business card from dr jefe's which was one of if not the first piercing salons in san diego. the black pin cushio people are covering up some swiss cheese i painted there, b/c i realized that cheese was a stupid idea. all that canvas was so intimidating, but i wanted to paint big b/c the prof suggested it of all students. where came idea of breaking up the space in parts and do each part instead of worrying about the whole thing. is there cohesiveness here? did i get it later?


Sha Curington
title here
XXin x XXin
oil on canvas
i did this amongst a group of little bits of art busted out within a span of a couple of weeks. i took a magazine photo and pasted it on some canvas, and used acrylic or gauche to disfigure the face. i dont know, i guess i wanted to make something beautiful ugly. maybe i should center ths photo and put underneath it.

shrunken head

Sha Curington
title here
XXin x XXin
oil on canvas
test ealktj alf ,. falsj oi atlj eladlk cvisl kj lkdf lksfdj a lskafjdas laskdjf laksjf lkfj lkj flkjf alsjalsk jflsjhel a due thw euat ired fox jumped over the lazy borwn dogs the quick red fox jumped ofvert hte lazy browerl lakjf. talkb about grapes to rasins,the absence of the body, the shrunken head w/sewn mouth links to fasting, not eating, found it in a newspaper, "inspiration" comes from everywhre, but dont use the word "inspiration. complain about the colors of the photo. grapes pulled off google image search. did i rip off xuchi with the whole brown and the brushs strokes? ah who cares.

burning scalp

Sha Curington
title here
XXin x XXin
oil on canvas
i did this while in the middle of what became the hair series. i really liked the way it came out, but it wasnt received well in critique. ah well. im not sure if i was dating marc williams when i painted this; he used this circus type font in his work a lot at the time, so im pretty sure i blatantly ripped that off of him.

tellthe story of my 2nd perm and the burn on the scalp. the stories i heard of how commonplace and accepted it is. wallpaper type background w/the pattern, old school looking salons. the sense of community-> why keep going back? it's part of the culture.

ida applebroog

Ida Applebroog
Promise I Won’t Die?, 1987
lithograph, linocut, and watercolor washes

36” x 47 ¾”
talk about american born artist ida applebroog and her influence on my early work.


Sha Curington
XXin x XXin
oil on canvas
later i'll talk about this painting and bla blah blah, and all about xuchi who i blatantly ripped this painting off of, and how she was such a good sport about it. also i'll complain about how this picture sucks.

peita charcoal drawing

Sha Curington
XXinches x XX inches
charcoal on paper
i was 17 or so when i did this drawing of a detail of the pieta. i attended point loma high school and was in miss bradley's art class. hi, miss bradley! she was one of the two black teachers in the entire school and wore long curved dragon lady fingernails. but them nails didnt keep her skills down, she would hold that pencil all crooked and throw down. with this drawing, i fell in love with charcoal. charcoal is just so dark and black, and you can rub that into the paper and really feel it, charcoal was all the things i wanted in a pencil, but magic, b/c i didnt know such a thing like charcoal existed. except for barbecues.. this photo is so very washed out, the drawing is much much darker, the black much richer and deeper, than what it looks like here.

my first painting

Sha Curington
title here
XX inches x XX inches
oil on canvas
This self portrait is one of my first paintings. i was only just getting familiar with paint and how to use it; this was the painting that made me like painting. my drawing is pretty bad: the proportions are weird, i dont have quite as much an alien forehead in real life, and the colors are off, i didnt paint myself quite so blue. i will complain of course that this photo doesnt do the painting justice, but it's pretty close. i remember being amazed at how i made my mouth and chin have definition, and the rough unpolished stilo of the shirt im wearing dims down to bring more attention to the face. im so cute.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

self portrait

This self portrait is one of my first paintings. These are all the same painting, but just wanted to show how different they look in each photo. I painted this in 199---- have to look that up. i was so intimidated when i first began painting, i never knew what to paint, so i painted myself over and over again for a semester and a half. i've done maybe 20 self portraits. Hell if i know where the rest of them are now. But see what i was talking about how crappy the photos are? the shine is awful b/c i use so much linseed oil and the gallery had a bright light on this. and my face looks hideous... >:(
**************Sha Curington
XX inches x XX inches.
Oil on canvas.

my second post

im leaving for korea in february. i did a google image search "korea art" and found Jeana Sohn. She's Korean and lives in LA. Dont know if she was raised here or in the states or anything just yet, she is my first lil' taste of korea/art. Lo and behold, she also has a blog! i think her work is pretty dope so i want to have a blog too so i can be just like her. just kidding. not really. anyway, people have suggested over and over that i make a website or something for my paintings, i dont know why i resisted for so long. i would like a record of the things i've made. all the pictures I have of my work are horrible, but i've got to make efforts to take decent photos, and then i can post them here with bits of what i was doing/thinking when i painted it.

Monday, January 1, 2007

im proud of what i've done.

this website is where keep track of my work. There has been so much that i made/ drew/ painted/ created, and i have no idea where a lot of the work is now. It's not that i dont value it, but im not attached b/c anything i make, i can re-create. however, tho i'm not attached to the tangible item, i would like to keep a photo.

im moving to south korea in february, and i'm reducing the amount of my material possessions, paintings included. thus this website, to post photos to look at and remind myself that i can do a lil' something.